Course Vision
To impart technical knowledge, ethical values for rural youths in the domain of Computer Applications in order to make them reach the pinnacles of excellence as software professional.
Course Mission
M1: To offer high-end cutting edge technology, software training on par with the industrial requirements.
M2: To provide a conducive environment in order to achieve excellence in teaching-learning, and research and development activities
M3: To bridge the gap between industry and academia through technical workshops with industrial stalwarts.
M4: To facilitate students to nurture skills to practice their profession competently with ethical values to cater to changing needs of society.
University Rank Holders
Overview of Computer Applications Department
The Department of Computer Applications is one of the pioneering departments of the institution. The main objective of the programme is to provide professional training in the area of computer applications and to develop computer professionals to meet the demand of the fast growing IT industry who excel in their profession through innovative ideas, knowledge and team work.
It is committed to impart quality education in the sub-fields of IT, a field growing in leaps and bounds. The course provides a good theoretical foundation through high quality teaching complemented by extensive practical training. It is dedicated to the mission of inculcating value-based, socially committed professionalism to the cause of overall development of students and society.
The department imparts computer education to MCA students through class room lectures, seminars, group exercises, industry visits, projects and guest lectures by eminent personalities of the IT industry.
As part of being exposed to the industry environment, students are encourged to undergo Inplant Training / Project Work during their summer vacations. This enables them to get an opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge to real world projects.
The students are provided with ample opportunities to improve their organisational skills and group dynamics. They are motivated to handle seminars and to participate in group discussions. Apart from emphasizing on consistent and good academic performance, the department encourages participation in the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to bring out the latent talents in its students.
The department produced 54 University rank-holders right from its inception which includes 3 first rank-holders in the years 2013, 2014 & 2015 respectively. It shows the outstanding performance of the department in the recent years.
The alumni regularly visit the department to offer guidance to the students regarding the latest trends in the software industry.
This department comprises of six faculty members. The persistence of the dedicated faculty in maintaining the standards is manifest in the successful placement and in the production of good citizens.
As per the curriculum of the University, the following core subjects are taught during the course of study
Mathematical Foundation for Computer Applications
Computer Organization
Problem Solving and Programming
Database Management Systems
Data structures and Algorithms
Object Oriented Programming
Web Programming Essentials
System Software
Operating Systems
Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Computer Networks
Embedded Systems
Software Engineering
Professional Ethics
Internet Programming
Resource Management Techniques
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Network Programming
Web Application Development
Service Oriented Architecture
Mobile computing
Electives Offered:
Security in Computing
Human Resource Management
Software Project Management
Cloud Computing
As per the curriculum of the Anna University, the following core subjects are taught during the course of study
Environmental Science and Engineering
Construction Techniques and Practices
Concrete Technology
Structural Analysis I
Design of Steel Structures
Highway Engineering
Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbour Engineering
Strength of Materials I
Construction Materials
Strength of Materials II
Soil Mechanics
Water Supply Engineering
Structural Analysis II
Wastewater Engineering
Structural Design and Drawing
Fluid Mechanics
Engineering Geology
Applied Hydraulic Engineering
Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Elements
Foundation Engineering
Irrigation Engineering
Estimation, Costing and Valuation Engineering
Electives Offered:
Advanced Surveying
Total Station and GPS Surveying
Introduction to Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations
Air Pollution and Control Engineering
Transport and Environment
Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures
Coastal Engineering
Groundwater Engineering
Geo-Environmental Engineering
Professional Ethics in Engineering
Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures
Prefabricated Structures
Geographic Information System
Disaster Management
Rock Engineering
Pavement Engineering
Industrial Structures
Construction Planning and Scheduling
Participatory Water Resources Management
Water Resources Systems Engineering
Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Computer Aided Design of Structures
Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Bridge Engineering
Geoinformatics Applications for Civil Engineers
Ground Improvement Techniques
Urban Planning and Development
Traffic Engineering and Management
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Municipal Solid Waste Management
Integrated Water Resources Management
As per the curriculum of the Anna University, the following core subjects are taught during the course of study
Environmental Science and Engineering
Construction Techniques and Practices
Concrete Technology
Structural Analysis I
Design of Steel Structures
Highway Engineering
Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbour Engineering
Strength of Materials I
Construction Materials
Strength of Materials II
Soil Mechanics
Water Supply Engineering
Structural Analysis II
Wastewater Engineering
Structural Design and Drawing
Fluid Mechanics
Engineering Geology
Applied Hydraulic Engineering
Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Elements
Foundation Engineering
Irrigation Engineering
Estimation, Costing and Valuation Engineering
Electives Offered:
Advanced Surveying
Total Station and GPS Surveying
Introduction to Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations
Air Pollution and Control Engineering
Transport and Environment
Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures
Coastal Engineering
Groundwater Engineering
Geo-Environmental Engineering
Professional Ethics in Engineering
Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures
Prefabricated Structures
Geographic Information System
Disaster Management
Rock Engineering
Pavement Engineering
Industrial Structures
Construction Planning and Scheduling
Participatory Water Resources Management
Water Resources Systems Engineering
Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Computer Aided Design of Structures
Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Bridge Engineering
Geoinformatics Applications for Civil Engineers
Ground Improvement Techniques
Urban Planning and Development
Traffic Engineering and Management
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Municipal Solid Waste Management
Integrated Water Resources Management
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Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
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Programme Outcomes (POs)
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Overview of Computer Applications Department
The Department of Computer Applications is one of the pioneering departments of the institution. The main objective of the programme is to provide professional training in the area of computer applications and to develop computer professionals to meet the demand of the fast growing IT industry who excel in their profession through innovative ideas, knowledge and team work.
It is committed to impart quality education in the sub-fields of IT, a field growing in leaps and bounds. The course provides a good theoretical foundation through high quality teaching complemented by extensive practical training. It is dedicated to the mission of inculcating value-based, socially committed professionalism to the cause of overall development of students and society.
The department imparts computer education to MCA students through class room lectures, seminars, group exercises, industry visits, projects and guest lectures by eminent personalities of the IT industry.
As part of being exposed to the industry environment, students are encourged to undergo Inplant Training / Project Work during their summer vacations. This enables them to get an opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge to real world projects.
The students are provided with ample opportunities to improve their organisational skills and group dynamics. They are motivated to handle seminars and to participate in group discussions. Apart from emphasizing on consistent and good academic performance, the department encourages participation in the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to bring out the latent talents in its students.
The department produced 54 University rank-holders right from its inception which includes 3 first rank-holders in the years 2013, 2014 & 2015 respectively. It shows the outstanding performance of the department in the recent years.
The alumni regularly visit the department to offer guidance to the students regarding the latest trends in the software industry.
This department comprises of six faculty members. The persistence of the dedicated faculty in maintaining the standards is manifest in the successful placement and in the production of good citizens.
As per the curriculum of the University, the following core subjects are taught during the course of study
Mathematical Foundation for Computer Applications
Computer Organization
Problem Solving and Programming
Database Management Systems
Data structures and Algorithms
Object Oriented Programming
Web Programming Essentials
System Software
Operating Systems
Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Computer Networks
Embedded Systems
Software Engineering
Professional Ethics
Internet Programming
Resource Management Techniques
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Network Programming
Web Application Development
Service Oriented Architecture
Mobile computing
Electives Offered:
Security in Computing
Human Resource Management
Software Project Management
Cloud Computing
As per the curriculum of the Anna University, the following core subjects are taught during the course of study
Environmental Science and Engineering
Construction Techniques and Practices
Concrete Technology
Structural Analysis I
Design of Steel Structures
Highway Engineering
Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbour Engineering
Strength of Materials I
Construction Materials
Strength of Materials II
Soil Mechanics
Water Supply Engineering
Structural Analysis II
Wastewater Engineering
Structural Design and Drawing
Fluid Mechanics
Engineering Geology
Applied Hydraulic Engineering
Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Elements
Foundation Engineering
Irrigation Engineering
Estimation, Costing and Valuation Engineering
Electives Offered:
Advanced Surveying
Total Station and GPS Surveying
Introduction to Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations
Air Pollution and Control Engineering
Transport and Environment
Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures
Coastal Engineering
Groundwater Engineering
Geo-Environmental Engineering
Professional Ethics in Engineering
Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures
Prefabricated Structures
Geographic Information System
Disaster Management
Rock Engineering
Pavement Engineering
Industrial Structures
Construction Planning and Scheduling
Participatory Water Resources Management
Water Resources Systems Engineering
Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Computer Aided Design of Structures
Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Bridge Engineering
Geoinformatics Applications for Civil Engineers
Ground Improvement Techniques
Urban Planning and Development
Traffic Engineering and Management
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Municipal Solid Waste Management
Integrated Water Resources Management
As per the curriculum of the Anna University, the following core subjects are taught during the course of study
Environmental Science and Engineering
Construction Techniques and Practices
Concrete Technology
Structural Analysis I
Design of Steel Structures
Highway Engineering
Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbour Engineering
Strength of Materials I
Construction Materials
Strength of Materials II
Soil Mechanics
Water Supply Engineering
Structural Analysis II
Wastewater Engineering
Structural Design and Drawing
Fluid Mechanics
Engineering Geology
Applied Hydraulic Engineering
Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Elements
Foundation Engineering
Irrigation Engineering
Estimation, Costing and Valuation Engineering
Electives Offered:
Advanced Surveying
Total Station and GPS Surveying
Introduction to Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations
Air Pollution and Control Engineering
Transport and Environment
Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures
Coastal Engineering
Groundwater Engineering
Geo-Environmental Engineering
Professional Ethics in Engineering
Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures
Prefabricated Structures
Geographic Information System
Disaster Management
Rock Engineering
Pavement Engineering
Industrial Structures
Construction Planning and Scheduling
Participatory Water Resources Management
Water Resources Systems Engineering
Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Computer Aided Design of Structures
Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Bridge Engineering
Geoinformatics Applications for Civil Engineers
Ground Improvement Techniques
Urban Planning and Development
Traffic Engineering and Management
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Municipal Solid Waste Management
Integrated Water Resources Management
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Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
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Programme Outcomes (POs)
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